
  1. Buying a new lens? Always check inside!

    Buying a new lens? Always check inside!

    I’d recommend checking a lens thoroughly – even if you’re buying it brand-new. Over the last few years I have noticed many manufacturers' quality control has slipped and dusty optics are becoming more common straight out of the box.I've seen brand-new Leica, Nikon, Fuji, Canon and Hasselblad lenses with dust inside – so don't assume because it's expensive it’ll be...
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  2. We're still buying

    Despite Corona we're still buying. We can arrange collection from any UK address. We specialise in second hand and used cameras and lenses from Canon, Nikon, Leica, Sony, Olympus, Zeiss, Sigma, Voigtlander, Samsung, Fuji, Mamiya, Bronica, Hasselblad and other top brands. We're buying 35mm digital and film cameras. So Nikon F, F2, F3, FM2, F4, F5 and particulary F6! And...
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